master of science in analytics - LSu college of business (may 2013)
MSA students during Orientation
The Master of Science in Analytics program at LSU has a practical orientation. The MSA degree is designed to prepare students to use data-driven methods to contribute to organizational effectiveness and guide decisions.
Related Coursework: Multivariate Statistics, Clustering, Data-mining, Design of Experiments, Optimization Methods, Predictive Modeling, Supply Chain Management, Optimization Techniques, Web Analytics, Linear Modeling, Survival Analysis
Teamwork, written and oral communication, presentation skills and state-of-the-art visualization techniques are stressed throughout the curriculum.
The program also offers multiple opportunities for students to interact with professionals working in the analytics field. During our first semester, we visited companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield and Century Link, and had the chance to learn about multiple industries in the field. It also allowed for us to collectively brainstorm about analytic methods that firms could use to gain competitive advantages.
We also had the chance to attend the South Central SAS Users Group in Houston, TX, in November 2012. Attendees were able to gain insight on new methods of coding and using SAS modules as well as learning about the latest software developments.
Related Coursework: Multivariate Statistics, Clustering, Data-mining, Design of Experiments, Optimization Methods, Predictive Modeling, Supply Chain Management, Optimization Techniques, Web Analytics, Linear Modeling, Survival Analysis
Teamwork, written and oral communication, presentation skills and state-of-the-art visualization techniques are stressed throughout the curriculum.
The program also offers multiple opportunities for students to interact with professionals working in the analytics field. During our first semester, we visited companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield and Century Link, and had the chance to learn about multiple industries in the field. It also allowed for us to collectively brainstorm about analytic methods that firms could use to gain competitive advantages.
We also had the chance to attend the South Central SAS Users Group in Houston, TX, in November 2012. Attendees were able to gain insight on new methods of coding and using SAS modules as well as learning about the latest software developments.